8 September, 2022
I am pleased to share the first episode of Talking About Marketing with you, brought to you by the team at Talked About Marketing. Steve Davis and I enjoyed podcasting together before I joined Talked About Marketing as a Marketing Strategist, and now that I am onboard we decided it was time to get our podcast started.
In the first episode we discuss the importance of finding your story and telling it in an engaging way, which will resonate with your clients/customers.
Please join Steve and me for insightful and entertaining conversations about marketing and leadership, which we have created to give you every advantage we can.
Thank you to Tim Whiffen for making us sound good.
You can check out Talking About Marketing on my Podcasts page:
Or listen to the first episode on the below link:
If you enjoy Talking About Marketing, then please like and share and send us an e-mail to the address in the show notes.